
Gaga Over Google Docs

Gaga Over Google Docs

I think it is so cool that Google Docs & Spreadsheets works with Moveable Type! I have been playing with their new tool and its integration features with various blog software tools. I am writing this within their new tool, then publishing it remotely to my blog.

Nicer Editing Interface
I big plus with GD&S is its editing interface. Since I find myself logged-into Google more and more, I find it convenient to use. Now, if they only would allow you to upload images. CMS become more passe by the day!

A Breeze to Set up
It took me a whole 1.5 minutes to be get this working with my existing blog system. Very, very easy. It works by utilizing RPC.

Features I Just Love

Some Drawbacks
First, a quick look at how its generating is the font styles and the old, deprecated font tag yields its ugle head. Hopefully, more complaint features will be coming in the future. Plus, as I said before, I haven't figured out if there's a way to add photos or upload images. Bummer for now.

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